Valley House

Connection & Seclusion

Project Info

Traditional Custodians

Project Team
Mitchell Wright
Stephen Sherd
Courtney Taylor

Coming Soon

Structural Engineer
Skelton Consulting


The Valley House focused on three main points:

  • Connection to the beautiful natural setting.

  • Creating light filled spaces.

  • Making a unique home for a young family to grow.

Project Description

The Valley House residence is a response to our client’s desire to enjoy the elements without feeling exposed to them. The design celebrates their bold sense of style while capturing the local breeze, and views down the valley.

To obscure the line between internal and external spaces, exterior materials were brought into the kitchen, living, and dining areas. Timber cladding and natural stone bricks change to sharp-lined plasterboard and polished concrete respectively.

Our Thoughts

We are so grateful to have had such exciting and trusting clients to design for. This project presented us with an opportunity to design a wonderful home, but also to refine our approach to project management and client communications. The processes we created as a result are now used on other projects to great success. During the design and documentation of The Valley House, Studio Alura grew as a team in more ways than one. This home reflects our passion for designing considered spaces to live and grow in.